Doorframe 9 57" high $800 |
Doorframe 6 57" high $1000 |
Doorframe 3 82.5" high SOLD |
Doorframe 4 67" high SOLD |
Doorframe 11 68" high SOLD |
Door frame 2 SOLD |
Doorframe 8 SOLD |
Lintel 10 SOLD |
Less known than their Fang, Kwele and Punu neighbors in Gabon, the Tsogo use sculpted ancestor figures and faces to harness the power of the ancestors to protect the house. Some of these door frames are plank-like, with highly stylized figures and abstract shapes covering the sides and the horizontal top piece. Some are fully 3-dimensional, with multiple figures or a single figure emerging from an abstract pattern. They are encrusted with cracking paint and offerings and share Fang muscular tension and proportions.
Despite their traditional appearance and wonderful patinas, these Tsogo doorframes show no evidence of age or use and were probably made to be sold.